Jenderal Soedirman University (UNSOED) is a state university or PTN established on September 23, 1963 based on Presidential Decree No. 195 of 1963. It has the peculiarity of being a PTN focusing on sustainable development of rural resources and local wisdom, a current issue that is even set as part of the national development agenda, namely strengthening villages and regions to develop Indonesia within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Currently, UNSOED has 12 faculties and 1 postgraduate program that comprises 5 doctoral programs, 18 multi and mono disciplinary master programs, 5 professional programs, 39 undergraduate programs (including 4 international classes) and 9 diploma programs. Sustained by professional and characterized lecturers as well as adequate educational facilities, UNSOED is committed to producing graduates possessing good character, quality and high competitiveness that can contribute to a better future.
Geographically, UNSOED is located in an area with a rural nuance comfortable for further studies. UNSOED has a number of campuses, namely:
HR Boenyamin Campus
Rectorate, Head Office, SPMB Building, Library, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics & Business, Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, Auditorium, Soemardjito Meeting Hall, Institute for Learning Development & Quality Assurance, Institute for Development of Technology & Information Systems, Mosque, UPT Archives, Sports Building and Field
Dr. Soeparno Campus (East Wing)
Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Animal Science, Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Biology, Integrated Laboratory, and Experimental Farm
Dr. Soeparno Campus (West Wing)
Multidisciplinary Postgraduate Programs, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Fisheries & Marine Sciences, Department of Agricultural Technology, Department of Dentistry, Institute for Research & Community Service, Student Activity Center, Soesilo Soedarman Sport Center, Education Dental & Mouth Hospital
Kalibakal Campus (Soedirman Primary Clinic)
Department and Laboratory of Dentistry
Berkoh Campus (Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Hospital)
Faculty of Medicine
Blater Campus (Purbalingga)
Faculty of Engineering
For details on the location of Jenderal Soedirman University, you can click here.